What makes sports fans spend their maximum time on Fantasy Sports?

Many investors and people who don’t play Fantasy Sports want to know the reasons that make Fantasy sports such an interesting platform. It's not only the exciting rewards that attract users, it is the live playing experience that attracts and keeps them engaged on the platform for long hours. We have done some research and found out “what attracts sports fans to invest their time on Fantasy sports platforms. 1. Fun and Entertaining Sports have always been a source of entertainment and socialism for people. Whether it is a dull afternoon in the 19th century or a day of lockdown, playing sports has always been entertaining. You can’t imagine the fun and entertaining a Fantasy Sports platform can be until you wonder in the middle of the day, “what's the reason behind losing the fantasy match yesterday, whether it was batting lineup or bowling lineup”. Wondering how an online app can offer you equal fun playing on the field? Because Fantasy sports apps are built in s...